The Design of an Electrical Control System for the Full-automatic Beehive Carton Production Line with Continuous Paper Core 纸芯连续全自动蜂窝纸板生产线的电气控制系统设计
Web: A continuous rol of paper formed on a papermaking machine. Also called Reel. Ribbon folder: Web press folder which cuts web into ribbons for folding. 卷筒纸:在造纸机上造成的连续纸卷。亦称纸卷。带式摺叠器:卷筒纸印刷机上的摺叠器。纸张先切开成带,然后摺叠。
A cutting apparatus mechanism is provided with the printing heads overlappingly and is in the down stream of the paper path relative to the printing heads so as to cut the continuous paper. 切割器机构,其重叠地设置有所述打印头,并且相对于所述打印头设置在所述纸路的下游,以便切断连续的纸;
A separation of continuous paper forms, usually at the perforation. 通常在穿孔处对连续格式纸进行的分离。
Web press: A high-speed press that prints from a continuous roll or web of paper. 卷筒纸印刷机:用连续纸卷印刷的高速印刷机。
On a zero sum two-person continuous game, this paper introduces the concepts of judgement, judgement block, set of optimal strategies under a judgement and so on. 引进了二人零和连续对策上的判断,判断块以及在判断下的最优策略等概念。
In various factors which influence continuous rolling tension, this paper mainly analyzes the effect of unsuitability of motor's indexes on continuous rolling tension, and introduces solution methods. 在影响连轧张力的诸因素中,着重分析了电机指标不当对连轧张力的影响,并介绍了解决办法。
In perforated continuous forms paper, the interval between cuts. 在穿孔的连续格式纸上,割线之间的间距。
A continuous thin ribbon of paper on which stock quotes are written. Newspapers continue to take an interest in campaign activities. 一条连续的薄纸带,用于记录信息。报纸媒体持续关注各项宣传活动。
Web offset: Web press using the offset lithography process Web: A continuous rol of paper formed on a papermaking machine. Also called Reel. 卷筒纸柯式机:用柯式印刷原理施印的卷筒纸机。卷筒纸:在造纸机上造成的连续纸卷。亦称纸卷。
The study on formula of producing minor diameter emulsion explosives adapted to continuous production is illustrated in this paper. 文中介绍了适应连续化生产的小直径乳化炸药系列配方的研制情况。
The continuous tone image of this paper means the color image that contains the continuous transformations of tone, brightness and saturation. 连续调图像是指存在着色调、亮度与饱和度的连续变化的真彩色图像。
To establish the space finite element model of hollow pier of a certain continuous beam bridge, the paper analyzes the arrangement characteristics of the partial stress at hollow pier top and gives the suggestion of the partial design at hollow pier top. 建立某连续梁桥空心墩的空间有限元模型,分析了空心墩墩顶局部应力分布特征,给出空心墩墩顶局部设计建议。
A special finite element method program is compiled for the continuous wall beams in this paper. 针对连续墙梁编制了专用的有限元法分析程序。
Based on the signal disposing simulation system of discontinuous and continuous wave radar, this paper analyzes and discusses the interface technology for Visual C++ and engineering language Matlab from different points of view. 以间断连续波雷达信号处理仿真系统为背景,从不同角度分析和研究了Visualc++与工程计算语言Matlab的接口技术。
Making use of general Pettis integral, operator-valued mathematical expectation and continuous modified modulus, this paper has deduced the probabilistic approximation and convergent rates about exponentially bounded C-semigroups, which has improved existing results. 借助广义Pettis积分、算子值数学期望、连续修正模等概念,得到了指数有界C半群的概率型逼近式及收敛速度的估计式,改进了已有的结果。
The two functions we have now can sample from any discrete distribution and one-dimensional continuous distribution. In this paper an effective method is given for calculating mixture moments of order statistics of samples from univariate continuous distributions. 目前拥有的两个函数可以完成任意离散分布和任意一元连续分布的抽样。本文用数论方法详细讨论了一元连续分布的次序统计量混合矩的计算,并得出了几个有用的计算矩的公式。
By means of the continuous Glimm functional, the paper obtains the global existence and uniqueness of classical solution to the Cauchy problem for general first order quasilinear hyperbolic systems and an application is given. 利用连续Glimm泛函得到一阶拟线性双曲组具小全变差初值的Cauchy问题经典解的整体存在惟一性,并且给出一个应用举例。
Based on the soaking and continuous leaching experiments, this paper simulated its influence on groundwater environment after mine filling with fly ash from Yanma Power Plant. 对演马电厂粉煤灰进行浸泡和淋溶试验,模拟矿井填充后其对地下水环境的影响。
To automatically segment and retrieve similar video clips from a continuous video database, this paper presents an efficient method for video clip retrieval in which equivalence relation theory is applied to video clip retrieval for the first time. 为了从连续的视频节目中自动分割出多个相似的片段,提出了一种新的有效的视频片段检索方法,并首次尝试将等价关系理论应用于视频片段的检索。
A method of constructing surface on irregular domain with G1 continuous is proposed in this paper. 本文给出了一种G1不规则域曲面的构造方法。
In batch process, message structure of process consists of discrete state and continuous state. This paper researches on problems such as description, control and optimization in batch process which has hybrid message structure by means of the automaton model. 在间歇生产过程中,过程的信息结构由离散状态和连续状态构成.本文以自动机为工具,研究具有混合信息结构的间歇生产过程的描述、控制与优化等问题。
The transmissibility of the isolator placed between a rigid body and a rigid base is analyzed by the use of the continuous system theory in this paper. 本文借助连续系统理论分析了一个放置于刚性物体振源和刚性基础之间的单个隔振器的力绝对传递率特性。
By exploiting single-cycle continuous newsvendor model, this paper analyses and compares the benefit mechanisms of e-procurement and traditional procurement, quantify the effect of Internet on procurement management in supply chain. 论文利用单周期连续型报童模型分析和比较了电子采购策略和传统采购策略的利益机制,量化了Internet在供应链采购管理中的作用。
Based on the 3 years continuous locating observation, this paper discussed the precipitation pattern and its relations to the runoff and soil erosion. 根据1999~2001连续3年的定位观测,研究了试验流域降水特征和森林植被与坡面径流与侵蚀的关系。
In order to completely investigate the structural behaviors of externally prestressed high strength concrete continuous beams, the paper focuses on the bond stress-slip relationship between reinforcement and fiber reinforced high strength concrete based on the Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education. 为了全面系统地研究体外预应力高强混凝土连续梁的结构行为,本文结合高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目,就高强混凝土、钢纤维高强混凝土与钢筋的粘结-滑移性能开展实验研究。
Basing on rule of continuous load profile, this paper proposes a new idea and its method of dynamic reconfiguration ( DR) with multi-time periods in distribution network. 该文根据负荷连续变化的规律,针对若干个连续时间负荷段落,提出了多时间段落的配电网络动态重构的思想及方法。
According to the characteristic of raw material supply of continuous plant, which has continuous processing, this paper designs an optimal management system of raw material to assure the right production and to aim at minimum raw material cost of enterprise. 论文依据具有连续生产过程的流程企业原料供应的特点,在保证企业正常生产、使原料成本最小的情况下,设计了一个原料供应优化管理系统。
This paper is a continuous approach of paper [ 2] [ 3] based on paper [ 1]. Connectivity of lattice topology is discussed, relative results in general topology are mostly extened to lattice topology, and some interesting results are also obtained. 本文在文献[1]的框架下,继续文献[2][3]的工作,讨论格拓扑空间的连通性,几乎把普通拓扑的有关结论都推广到格拓扑中来,并且得到一些有趣的结果。
By means of water-electricity analogy method fot a continuous medium, this paper studies the thtee-dimensional well-flow in a incomplete well beside a river. 本文采用连续介质水电比拟法,对不完整河旁三维井流与完整河旁二维井流作了对比研究。